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17th Annual Meeting of the Inter-Agency Working Group on Reproductive Health in Crises

November 8th, 2017

Athens, Greece
8-10 November, 2017

Gynuity participated in this annual meeting that brought together stakeholders working on sexual and reproductive health care in crises. Gynuity staff participated in two panels on ‘Values and attitudes on unsafe abortion: findings from organizations and communities’ and ‘Ending preventable maternal deaths: Advancing proven efforts to prevent postpartum hemorrhage’, which was co-hosted with JHPIEGO. Gynuity also participated in the demonstration sessions to showcase use of the uterine balloon tamponade to treat postpartum hemorrhage. In addition to these panels at the meeting, Gynuity collaborated with the International Rescue Committee (IRC) to lead a pre-conference workshop entitled ‘Leveraging evidence to innovate SAC programs’ during a side event on Safe Abortion Care, Policies and Practices. The workshop focused on the latest clinical advances in abortion care and showcase service innovations, with focus on programmatic experiences and lessons learned.