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ICFP 2018 Event on Current Issues and Advances in Abortion Research in Sub-Saharan Africa

October 24th, 2018

Gynuity joined a side event at the International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP): From research to policy: current issues and advances in abortion research in sub-Saharan Africa

Africa Population Health Research Center (APHRC), Guttmacher Institute, Gynuity Health Projects, Ibis Reproductive Health and Ipas joined ICFP for a breakfast discussion and roundtable. The event focused on how research is critical to drive evidence-based advocacy and policies and inform service delivery improvements, so all women are able to access safe, affordable, high-quality abortion care. Colleagues joined the 2016 Africa Regional Conference on Abortion: From Research to Policy in Addis Ababa—as well as others involved in abortion research—for discussion and networking. This interactive session featured presentations on current topics in abortion research and facilitated small group discussion.

The session was also an opportunity to meet APHRC’s 2018 African Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellows (ADDRF) for Doctoral Research on Abortion. The recipients of these prestigious fellowships are the future researchers who will address the strategic gaps in research capacity and knowledge management to help other researchers, health professionals and policy makers increase their contribution in addressing issues related to abortion.