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WEBINAR No-Test Medication Abortion

April 16th, 2020

The COVID-19 epidemic triggered an acute need to minimize the time that patients spend in medical facilities and to reduce physical contact between patients and providers. In response to this need, Gynuity Health Projects led the collaborative development of a sample protocol for providing medication abortion without any routine facility-based tests either before or after treatment.

In a webinar hosted by the Society for Family Planning (April 16th at 2PM ET), Elizabeth Raymond (Gynuity Health Projects) presented the protocol along with Jamila Perritt, Kohar Der Simonian (Maine Family Planning), Alice Mark (NAF), and Gillian Dean (PPFA).

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Webinar Description: During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Society of Family Planning strives to respond to immediate needs for clinical guidance and to lay the groundwork to reduce barriers to abortion care in a future state when the pandemic has been contained. In this spirit, we are pleased to offer a webinar on no-test medication abortion. During this interactive session, panelists will review the history of no-test medication abortion, share a sample protocol, discuss clinical implementation, and draw connections to ongoing work.

The webinar was not recorded.