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Dissemination meeting of a study on an alternative method of follow-up after early medical abortion

June 25th, 2014

Chisinau, Moldova

Gynuity convened a dissemination meeting in Chisinau on the results of the study titled “The acceptability and feasibility of reducing the need for in-clinic follow-up for first trimester medical abortion in Moldova and Uzbekistan.” The study was conducted at four clinics in Moldova and three clinics in Uzbekistan. Twelve participants attended the dissemination meeting, including study investigators from the Moldovan study sites, a local NGO, and other medical providers. The meeting included an update on the current statistics, laws, and barriers to termination of pregnancy in Moldova, and presentations on the recent innovations in medical abortion and results from the study. Presentations were followed by discussion on alternative methods of follow-up after medical abortion and counseling issues for women undergoing medical abortion in the late first trimester.