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Fourth International Congress on Women’s Health and Unsafe Abortion

February 20th, 2019
Bangkok, Thailand

Beverly Winikoff, President of Gynuity Health Projects, attended the International Congress on Women’s Health and Unsafe Abortion in Bangkok where she gave a talk on what’s new in abortion care as part of a symposium on the way forward in abortion care.

The Way Forward in Abortion Care
Chair: Ann Furedi
1. When Values Collide, Ann Furedi
2. The Power of Abortion Pills, Rebecca Gomperts
3. What’s New in Abortion Care?, Beverly Winikoff
4. From Very Early to Much Later Medical Abortion, Kristina Gemzell-Danielsson

The four-day IWAC2019 conference, ‘Universal Access to Safe Abortion: We Trust Women’, took place in Bangkok, Thailand, from February 19th - 22nd.