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International Meeting on Postpartum Hemorrhage (PPH)

December 5th, 2017

No Magic Bullets: Translating Evidence into Effective PPH Programs
New York, December 5-6, 2017

In December, some 90 researchers, program implementers, clinicians, and policymakers from around the world gathered in New York to consider ways to translate their collective knowledge on PPH into effective, context-driven programs. The two-day meeting, hosted by Gynuity, opened with a review of recent evidence on a number of interventions and technologies for PPH management, including uterotonics, tranexamic acid and uterine balloon tamponade. The opening sessions were followed by further presentations, analysis and discussion on new triggers for PPH intervention -- including the role of shock index in PPH diagnosis and treatment -- and on the essential components for integrating new PPH technologies into services and strengthening the quality and effectiveness of PPH care. The meeting ended with a moderated panel discussion, comprised of senior representatives from leading agencies engaged in PPH efforts in low and middle income countries, on future priorities for programs and research.