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Legal Abortion Trainings for Providers in Chile

December 3rd, 2017

As part of a collaborative project to support the introduction of legal abortion services in Chile, Gynuity Health Projects (Gynuity) and the National Abortion Federation (NAF) assisted the Chilean Ministry of Health (MINSAL) in training multidisciplinary teams of obstetrician-gynecologists (OB/GYNs), midwives, social workers, and psychologists in medical abortion care and manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) for abortion in the first and second trimesters. From December 3-20, 2017, MINSAL conducted more than 20 three-day trainings in seven regional hospitals throughout the country. NAF and Gynuity sent a total of five training teams, which worked with six groups of trainees in the Santiago metropolitan area. The training program included background on the recently approved law; values clarification; theoretical background and implementation of medical abortion and MVA; theories and methodology of client counseling; and hands-on practice of techniques.