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New Evidence on the potential role of Misoprostol in addressing leading causes of Maternal Mortality

March 29th, 2015

Gynuity and FIGO co-organized a panel at the Obs-Gyne Exhibition and Congress for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region held in Dubai to present recent evidence on the role of misoprostol in PPH management and in treatment of incomplete abortion.

  • Misoprostol for PPH Treatment and for management of incomplete abortion: Summary and implications of the international evidence to date: Prof Emad Darwish, Faculty of Medicine, Alexandria University, Egypt.
  • Misoprostol as first aid for PPH in home births: A placebo-controlled community-based study in two districts in El Beheira governorate, Egypt: Dr. Emad Ezzat, Ministry of Health and Population, Egypt
  • A comparison of two community based approaches for addressing PPH: Misoprostol for Primary vs Secondary Prevention of PPH: Gynuity Health Projects: Holly Anger, Gynuity Health Projects, USA
  • Improving the quality and reach of postabortion care with misoprostol: a demonstration model in Atfeeh district: Dr Mohamed Cherine Abd El Latif Ramadan, El Galaa Teaching Hospital, Cairo, Egypt