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RCOG World Congress 2023: Induction of Labor with Misoprostol Alone

June 14th, 2023
London, UK and virtually

Don’t forget to check out two ePosters at this week's RCOG World Congress. They can be found on the special ePoster website under Hot Topics (Emerging Research/Issues) in Obstetrics and are part of ‘MOLI: Misoprostol or Oxytocin for Labour Induction’, the latest project by an international group exploring maternal hypertensive disorder treatments suitable for use in busy or low-resource environments.

Induction of Labour Methods in Nagpur, India: A Situational Analysis EP.0804

A situational analysis was performed to assess current resources, practices, and available guidance on induction of labour (IOL) in hospitals in Nagpur, India, and to explore factors that may pose barriers to using recommended IOL methods. This assessment was done concurrently with the Misoprostol or Oxytocin for Labour Induction randomized controlled trial, which was carried out in three nearby facilities. During August to November 2022, facility assessments and provider surveys were conducted at public and private hospitals in different geographic locations throughout Nagpur.

PaGES Index: Exploring research participants’ experiences and satisfaction with birth in India PP.0056

An evaluation tool was designed to understand what is important to women undergoing induction of labor for hypertension in pregnancy, before and after birth. This new mixed methods tool provides detailed qualitative insights into women’s birth priorities and also allows the satisfaction with those priorities to be quantified.

The top scoring abstracts of the RCOG World Congress 2023, including this one, were accepted for publication in a BJOG supplement Category ‐ Hot Topics (Emerging research/issues) in Obstetrics - 2023 - BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology - Wiley Online Library

The RCOG World Congress 2023 is a hybrid event running from 12-14 June. Eposters are available for the duration of the Congress and post-event, for on-demand viewing.

For further information about the MOLI project, check out this recording of a dissemination event held in Liverpool, U.K., to present results from a randomized trial that tested oral misoprostol alone for inducing labor in women with hypertension in pregnancy in India.