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Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition, 17th Annual General Membership Meeting

October 10th, 2016

Seattle, WA
October 10-14, 2016

The RHSC convened its annual meeting in Seattle, Washington. The Coalition has recently taken a greater interest in pregnancy tests as a reproductive health commodity and now has a working group dedicated to this topic, of which Gynuity is a member organization. Gynuity gave two presentations at this meeting related to MLPTs:

  • Jennifer Blum presented on Evidence Supporting the Use of MLPTs in Medical Abortion Follow-Up and Update on Global Product Availability as part of a panel on the topic of ensuring access and availability of comprehensive safe abortion commodities.
  • Laura Frye presented at the Maternal Health Caucus Meeting on Innovations in Maternal Health Supplies: Update on Promising Maternal Heather Technologies and Where They May Fit in the Agenda.