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High Fever after Sublingual Administration of Misoprostol for Treatment of Post-Partum Haemorrhage: A Hospital-Based, Prospective Observational Study in Argentina

Research was completed in two hospitals in Corrientes, Argentina to document the rate of high fever following PPH treatment with misoprostol after vaginal birth. Shivering and fever were experienced by three-quarters (37/49) of women diagnosed and treated for PPH with misoprostol. Systematic temperature measurement after misoprostol administration confirmed a rate of high fever of 12.2% [95% confidence interval 4.6-24.8%]. Fever, irrespective of its severity, usually occurred between 60-90 minutes after receipt of the medicine and then gradually subsided. Overall, misoprostol’s thermoregulatory effects were confirmed to be self-limiting, non-life threatening, and generally acceptable to women. Blood samples for these women will be analyzed to determine if there is any genetic predisposition to experiencing this effect (results forthcoming). A clearer understanding of fever after misoprostol and the potential role of genetic factors will help providers know what to expect and avoid unnecessary interventions.

Access the abstract.