Newsletter: Vol. 2, No. 2, September 2018
Since the approval of Mifeprex® in the United States in 2000, dozens of studies and extensive experience have confirmed the efficacy and safety of mifepristone followed by misoprostol for medical abortion. However, many women who could benefit from mifepristone still do not have access to it. To show our support for today's International Safe Abortion Day, an annual day of action, our "Spotlight on..." shines a light on the work of the Coalition to Expand Access to Mifepristone in the U.S. (also known as the "Mife Coalition"), an alliance of 360 individuals representing 150 organizations that stand behind expanded access to safe medical abortion. The Coalition calls for the removal of politically motivated and/or medically unnecessary restrictions on mifepristone. These restrictions do not make medical abortion safer; instead they place a burden on women by creating barriers to access and increasing cost. Removing unnecessary barriers can improve health, reduce stigma, and save lives.