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Jill Durocher

Acceptability and Feasibility of Medical Abortion With Mifepristone and Misoprostol in Nigeria

April 1st, 2014
Medication Abortion
Okonofua, F., Shittu, O., Shochet, T., Diop, A., Winikoff, B.

Int J Gynaecol Obstet; 2014 Apr; 125(1):49-52; doi:10.1016/j.ijgo.2013.10.009

Objective: To examine the acceptability and feasibility of medical abortion in Nigeria.

Methods: In total, 250 women who were eligible for legal pregnancy termination with a gestational age of up to 63 days since last menstrual period were enrolled in Benin City and Zaria between May 2005 and October 2006. Participants received 200 mg of oral mifepristone in the clinic and then took 400 μg of oral misoprostol 2 days later-choosing to either return to the clinic or take it at home. Women returned 2 weeks later for an assessment of abortion status.

Results: The vast majority (96.3%) of women had successful complete abortions. Ultrasound was used to determine outcome in less than one-third (28.9%) of participants. Most women (83.2%) took the misoprostol at home. Almost all (96.2%) participants were satisfied or very satisfied with the abortion method.

Conclusion: The introduction of medical abortion with mifepristone and misoprostol could greatly expand current method options and improve the quality of reproductive health care in Nigeria and other settings in which access to legal abortion services is limited.