Jill Durocher
Effect of Immediate Compared with Delayed Insertion of Etonogestrel Implants on Medical Abortion Efficacy and Repeat Pregnancy: A Randomized Controlled Trial
- Published
- February 3rd, 2016
- Type
- Publication
- Topic
- Medication Abortion
- Authors
- Raymond, E.G., Weaver, M.A., Tan, Y.L., Louie, K.S., Bousiéguez, M., Lugo-Hernández, E.M., Aranguré-Peraza, A.G., Sanhueza, P., Kaplan, C., Sonalkar, S., Goldberg, A.B., Culwell, K.R., Memmel, L., Jamshidi, R., Winikoff, B.
Obstet Gynecol; 2016 Feb; 127(2): 306-12; doi:10.1097/AOG.0000000000001274
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of an etonogestrel implant inserted the same day mifepristone is taken (Quickstart), as compared to the when given after the woman has taken mifepristone (Afterstart); participants were assigned to one of these two groups. Women were followed for 7 months to ascertain abortion outcome, pregnancies, and contraception use. Insertion of etonogestrel implants with mifepristone did not increase the risk of the medical abortion failure, and was shown to enhance patient satisfaction. However, this study found no evidence that it decreased repeat pregnancy rates.