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Jill Durocher

Enabling Safer Deliveries (expanded version with interviews)

February 26th, 2015
Postpartum Hemorrhage

For many women in Senegal, access to health facilities can be hours away and difficult to reach. As a result, these women often deliver at home or in a local health hut attended by a community birth attendant and without important drugs that can be used to prevent postpartum hemorrhage (PPH), a leading cause of maternal death. Gynuity Health Projects and ChildFund, in collaboration with USAID and the Senegal Ministry of Health, carried out a program to prevent PPH in three regions of Senegal that involved training local birth attendants in the use of two promising technologies that can be used at the community level to prevent PPH. This video describes the difficulties women face when giving birth in these communities and the positive impact this program has had at the local level, as told from the perspective of a women herself.
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