Exploratory Study Examines Potential Role of Oral Tranexamic Acid Used With Sublingual Misoprostol to Treat Excessive Bleeding after childbirth
- Published
- May 1st, 2018
- Type
- Research Summary
- Topic
- Postpartum Hemorrhage
- Authors
- Gynuity Health Projects
- Downloads
Tranexamic acid (TXA) has shown promise in reducing the risk of death from postpartum bleeding due to any cause when given intravenously within three hours of delivery, and is recommended in clinical guidelines. The route and time-dependent administration make TXA out of reach for most women who experience postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) in settings where intravenous administration is not feasible and transfer within three hours is unlikely.
This document summarizes findings from a small exploratory study undertaken by Gynuity and partners to assess the potential benefit of offering two oral medications -- misoprostol 800 mcg sublingual and TXA 1950 mg oral -- together as a first-line treatment for PPH following vaginal birth.