Foregoing Rh Testing and Anti-d Immunoglobulin for Women Presenting for Early Abortion: A Recommendation from the National Abortion Federation’s Clinical Policies Committee
- Published
- May 1st, 2019
- Type
- Publication
- Topic
- Abortion, general
- Authors
- Mark A, Foster MA, Grossman D, Prager SW, Reeves M, Velásquez CV, Winikoff B
Contraception; May 1, 2019; Vol. 99(5):265-266; doi:
Early abortion continues to expand outside of traditional clinics, through telemedicine, self-managed medication abortion, or in smaller offices that do not specialize in obstetrical care. Consequently, requiring Rh testing and anti-D immunoglobulin as part of abortion care is becoming a barrier. As of early 2019, the Society of Family Planning [1], the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists [2], and the Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists of Canada [3] recommend that all Rh D-negative women receive anti-D immunoglobulin after an induced abortion, regardless of gestational age or type of procedure.