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Jill Durocher

Medical Abortion Outcomes Following Quickstart of Contraceptive Implants

May 1st, 2015
Medication Abortion
Raymond, E.G., Weaver, M.A., Tan, Y.L. Louie, K.S., Bousiéguez, M., Sanhueza, P., Kaplan, C., Sonalkar, S., Goldberg, A.B., Culwell, K.R., Memmel, L., Jamshidi, R.

Contraception; May 2015; Vol. 91, Issue 5, pg. 429.

Introduction: Providing contraceptive implants to medical abortion patients concurrently with the mifepristone could help reduce future pregnancy risk, but if the progestin in the implant competed with the mifepristone, the chance of abortion failure could increase. We designed this randomized trial to assess the effects of co-administration of etonogestrel implants and mifepristone on medical abortion outcome and 6-month pregnancy rate.