Misoprostol for Treatment of Incomplete Abortion: A Training Guide
- Published
- November 1st, 2013
- Type
- Training Guide
- Topic
- Pregnancy Failure and Miscarriage
- Authors
- Ipas and Gynuity Health Projects
- Downloads
This tool was developed for program planners and trainers of clinical providers who are interested in the introduction of misoprostol for incomplete abortion services. It describes evidence-based regimens and practical considerations for introducing the method as part of postabortion care services, especially as related to low-resource settings. The training guide offers a range of ways to prepare health care providers to introduce the method, including detailed information on • Efficacy, safety and acceptability; • Eligibility criteria and precautions; • Dosing, timing and routes of administration; • Visit schedule and management of complications; • Counseling and information provision; • Integration of misoprostol into existing postabortion care (PAC) services The guide includes a CD-ROM to guide delivery of didactic information, including a series of PowerPoint presentations. The slide sets can be found at the end of the PDFs.