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Jill Durocher

Podcast: Invisiblia (NPR): A Little Bit Pregnant

September 16th, 2022
Period Pills

In “A Little Bit Pregnant”, the Invisibilia team bring expert insight into the concept of period pills and explore whether the rebrand of a familiar pill could open up a new way to control fertility in a post-Roe America.

This episode of the NPR (National Public Radio) podcast includes clips from an interview with senior consulting associate, Wendy Sheldon, who highlights our work on this topic.

Listen now or save for later (28 minutes).

Period pills are medications that induce menstrual bleeding. This option ensures non-pregnancy without first establishing whether or not a pregnancy exists and is formally promoted in some countries as a form of fertility control.

Additional Resources

How to Do Fertility Control Like It’s 1865, Cari Sietstra and Wendy R Sheldon, Slate, July 18, 2022

Could "Missed Period Pills" Be the Future of Reproductive Health Care? Wendy R Sheldon and Beverly Winikoff, Ms. Magazine, January 8, 2021

Exploring Potential Interest in Missed Period Pills in Two U.S. States Sheldon et al. Contraception; 2020 Dec; 102(6):414-420; doi: 10.1016/j.contraception.2020.08.014

Will a New Kind of Pill be the Holy Grail We Seek? Beverly Winikoff, Conscience, September 20, 2019

In the News

There’s a Pill Between Plan B and Abortion That 'Treats' a Missed Period, Rodlyn-mae Banting, Jezebel, September 16, 2022

Why Some Women Might Want "Missed Period Pills", Patrick Adams, New York Times, December 4, 2019